Teaching of the Week #85

Teaching #85 Absolute Happiness


The [happiness] that arises when you begin going through the various stages of nibbana is not subject to conditions or to the state of your mind. You can be having a lousy time and your mind not be in an exalted state, yet the mind is unruffled. This is a mind that is liberated. There is nothing temporary about it. This third kind of [happiness] is independent of any external or internal factors.

Chapter 22, Pg 264

For your reflection: You are most likely able to get a foretaste of absolute happiness during meditation practice or immediately afterwards. Your mind will be characterized by stillness and spaciousness in which painful body sensations or thoughts concerning difficult situations in your life may arise yet they don’t disturb your mind. Although this foretaste may be brief, notice that your mind doesn’t object to how life is in such moments.