Teaching of the Week #62

Teaching #62: Three Stages of Realization:
Transformation, Transcendence, and Transparency


Your inner development progresses according to three major stages of awareness … In moving from ordinary awareness to the first stage, you transform your ego structure; in attaining the second stage, you transcend your ego identity; and in the full realization of the final stage, you become transparent to ordinary reality … With each successive stage of awareness, your mind is controlled less and less by pleasant or unpleasant conditions.

Chapter 17, Pg 199

For your reflection:It can make a significant difference in your practice if you can embrace the possibility of your mind being organized in a non-ordinary way. Notice your mental reactions to this idea. Are you open to it, or is your mind filled with skepticism? It is fine to have don’t know mind, but skepticism limits your possibilities. Also, do you think, “Others can achieve this change, but not me.”