Teaching of the Week #5

Teaching #5: Three Kinds of Suffering


The first kind of dukkha is the obvious suffering caused by physical discomfort, from the minor pain of stubbing a toe, hunger, and lack of sleep, to the agony of chronic disease. It is also the emotional suffering that arises when you become frustrated that things don’t go your way, or upset about life’s injustices, or worried about money or meeting others’ expectations. Each day you have many experiences that cause you to be disappointed, anxious, and tense, from getting stuck in traffic to forgetting to complete an important task to snapping at a loved one during an argument. Isn’t this true? In matters of love, family, work, and self-acceptance, do you not experience these sorts of negative emotions over and over again?

Chapter 4, Pg 34

For your reflection: This week practice staying mindful of your body’s response to the first kind of dukkha. Ask yourself, are you tensing, tightening, or resisting the physical experience in some way that makes the suffering worse?