Teaching of the Week #2

Teaching #2: Suffering Is Impermanent


The Buddha did not teach that life is constant misery, nor that you should expect to feel pain and unhappiness at all times. Rather, he proclaimed that suffering is an unavoidable reality of ordinary human existence that is to be known and responded to wisely. While you, like all beings, may try your hardest to experience only the good and avoid the bad, there is simply no way for any of us to escape unpleasant experiences. They are part of the dance, life being true to its own nature.

Chapter 3, pg 28

For your reflection: Think of a time in your past when you were truly miserable and thought you would never be happy again. Reflect on how your life has changed since then. Then think of a situation in your life now that is working well and acknowledge that this too will change. Notice how suffering and happiness are always paired.